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파크시스템스는 이번 웨비나를 통해 PFM의 기본 원리와 응용을 주제로 성균관대 김윤석 교수의 초청 강연을 준비하였습니다. 웨비나에서는 PFM의 기본 원리와 응용은 물론, PFM 응답 특성의 비압전적 요인을 밝히기 위한 최근의 연구 성과와 AFM 기술을 이용하여 강유전성 물질의 특성을 어떻게 분석하는지도 소개해 드리고자 하니, 많은 관심과 참가 바랍니다. *언어: 한국어 *키워드: ferroelectricity, non-ferroelectric contribution, HfO2, piezoelectricity The operational mechanism of piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) is based on the detection of the electromechanical response induced by the converse piezoelectric effect through the cantilever dynamics of an atomic force microscopy (AFM). Since the development of PFM, PFM has been used for exploring nanoscale piezoelectric and ferroelectric phenomena over the past two decades [1]. In particular, new types of ferroelectric materials, e.g. HfO2-based ferroelectrics, have been extensively studied using PFM to gain a fundamental understanding and to investigate practical applications of new ferroelectrics [1,2] In this presentation, I will present principle of PFM and its application. Further, I will summarize our recent efforts to explore non-piezoelectric origins of the PFM response [4] and also present how to probe ferroelectricity using other AFM techniques [3]. References [1] "Ultra-thin Ferroelectrics", Mater. Sci. Eng. R Rep. 145, 100622 (2021) [2] "Highly enhanced ferroelectricity in HfO2-based ferroelectric thin film by light ion bombardment", Science 376(6594), 731-738 (2022) [3] "Recent progress in the nanoscale evaluation of piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties via scanning probe microscopy ", Adv. Sci. 7(17), 1901391 (2020) [4] "Non-piezoelectric effects in piezoresponse force microscopy", Curr. Appl. Phys. 17, 661-674 (2017)